Sunday, May 25, 2008

They Want YOU to be a Neo-Nazi

In the highly stabilized, well defined, highly tolerant American culture, which boasts a very high rate of education, how is it possible for neo-Nazi groups to recruit new members? Why would someone be attracted by such a horrifying ideology?

The methods of neo-Nazi recruitment have been well refined over the years of the movement's existence. As stated in the video, neo-Nazi's communicate with a highly impressionable population of American youth through multiple highly accessible media.

It is highly ironic and perhaps a bit depressing that, the methods with which neo-Nazi groups connect with prospective members is completely legal within the United States. The laws of freedom of expression, which exist to instill tolerance in the American public, are the very laws which allow for such racist groups to recruit and grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a shame you're so ignorant of National Socialism that you feel it to be a horrifying ideology.

National Socialism is the doctrine of social unity based on race, in which all people, particularly the neglected workers and the poor, are cared for and society and the economy are conducted in their interest.

Who wouldn't be attracted to that?